Success Tips for Student
Success Tips for Student Bidikmisi is the title from debriefing Bidikmisi Akindo for students receiving Bidikmisi Akindo by
Mr. Ahmad Muntaha, M.Si ( director Akindo) on 21 September 2013 in Akindo colleges
Yogyakarta. The debriefing
discusses fee provisions bidik misi , details, bidikmisi student
development,and 5 keys to successful students .
Bidikmisi is
college tuition assistance for students who are
poor but have good academic
achievement in school. Help sourced from
Budget and Expenditure (APBN) of 6 million rupiah for individuals and
every semester, The assistance given from the
prospective student is accepted at colleges and S1 IV Diploma program for 8
semesters and 6 semester for diploma programs.
Mr Muntaha explain the assistance detail
6 million rupiah and consists of 2.4 million rupiah be managed college
and 600 thousand rupiah every month is given to the student. There are 10
people who received bidikmisi assistance in Akindo.
Students receiving assistance
bidik misi Akindo 2013 from broadcasting major are Ramadan Iqbal, Kurniawan
Dwi, Maulana Muhammad Agus, and majoring in Public Relations are Tri Lestari,
Utami Nugraini, Fahrudin, Andri Oktavianto, Yuan African, Yang Satria
Pamungkas, Saiful Anwar.
The college make agreement with the recipient Bidikmisi that the rights and
obligations of each party diantarannya, guarantee period and the date of
distribution of living expenses, compliance with the rules of campus life, meet
standards GPA universities established , and other things that are relevant .
The college also encourages the students involved in co
and extra-curricular activities and community
service activities as a form of character
building and or love of nation and
According to Mr Muntaha at the debriefing, there are 5
keys to successful students are highly motivated, hone study skills, apply time
management / priority management, choosing a
environment and conducive friends, and prepare and work on final
titled Success Tips for Student
Bidikmisi are purely my own work. Not copy and paste from a script by
someone else anywhere. I'm responsible for this statement.
Yogyakarta, October 24, 2013
Bonita Padma Sari
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